2/27/2018 0 Comments Running Out of FebruaryI seem to be running out of February! In fact, I only have a one day's supply left. I had such high hopes for February, too. Of course, we do start off a bit short-changing and the required daily minimum of 24 units. But still, I thought February might last just a tad longer. Anyway, it seems to me this whole year is off to a running start. Don't know what happened to January and here we are waiting to see if the lion or the lamb will start off March! But I have to say, I have been keeping to my intention overall of concentrating on my creative side. I write this blog when the muse strikes. Of course, I do need to stop waiting for her to speak up because sometimes she wants me to take the lead...duh. I'm doing the photography thing and enjoying that. And I'm doing Artist Dates by going to art museums, creative spaces, and gardens and such. Tomorrow I'm off to the Broad in LA to see the Jasper Johns exhibit. Jasper Johns at the Broad, taking the Metrolink in. And I am planning some travel adventures this year. So there you have it. January ran out and February was in short supply, but actually a lot is getting done. I guess it pays to stop and take stock every now and then. Would love to hear how your year is progressing...well I hope. Time, as they say, may seem in short supply, but it is, after all, all we have. Photo from Slate Article "Move Christmas to February"
2/24/2018 4 Comments Worrying Won't Stop the Bad StuffWhat are you worried about? Think about it. Make a list. Review for accuracy. Worry about it. Worry about the list a bit. Worry that it is accurate, just right. Got it? Worry a little more. If you want, call someone and tell them, but this is not required...or even recommended What can you do about the items on your list? What about the things that you didn't write down, but still worry about? Make another list. Or ponder, meditate, think hard about it. I think its important to make a list, though. Now here's the difficult part. Take action. Do something. List steps toward alleviating the worry. I find just doing something, even just making the list, is a balm for the worried soul. And one step forward is better than none. Don't worry about that old saw about one step forward, two steps back. Just add that to your list. Worry about it for two, three, even five minutes. Then move on. Results. Yeah, I guess I am gonna tell you again, make a list. Write it down. Don't let it float around in your head aimlessly, causing, you guessed it, more worry. Having a worry is your way of telling yourself something's off. Maybe something's dangerous to your mental health or your physical well being. But just worrying about it leads to more worry and potential grief. Remember: worry exists to tell you something is afoot. It tells you something going on needs your attention. So that said, what are you worried about? Is it drafty in here? I wondered when I opened by blog editor and found I had saved so many drafts of blogs started but as yet unwritten. And almost forgotten. At that moment I felt a chilly breeze, as one might feel through poorly sealed window or door. Time to work on that...I mean both, of course. I should really get the drafts in my house attended to. And I also should review and cull my pending drafts. Some drafts are even blank. Those should be first to go of course. I guess the good thing is that I opened the blog editor with intentionality and purpose. Time to write again! And so it goes. Meanwhile, I'll put on another sweater. 2/3/2018 0 Comments What the Groundhog KnowsYesterday was Groundhog's Day. Every hog has its day, I suppose. But I have been wondering about all the hoopla surrounding this subterranean creature seeing his shadow (or not) every February 2nd and why we should care. Well, bottom line, we probably shouldn't care all that much. The track record of Punxsutawney Phil is rather unimpressive if you ask me. And the fact that the first day of spring comes six weeks after February 2nd, doesn't make Phil such a miraculous sooth-sayer. But for more information on Phil, click here. What occurs to me upon contemplating the lore and myth surrounding this marmota monax (scientific name) is our fascination with trying to predict the future. Yep, I think that's about explains it all. We seem to want to know what's coming down the pike. Of course, if you are in our more frozen sections of the country, you are hoping for early relief from shoveling snow and dressing like denizens of the North Pole. Bottom line, we all think we would like to be able to predict tomorrow and thereby somehow control it. Well you can't!! No way no how. BUT remember, what you do and how you live today lays the groundwork for your personal future and how your life develops and eventually turns out. We are, after-all, writing our own life-stories, day by day. So there you have it. My two cents on what the groundhog knows...and what he knows ain't much. But he sure does know how to be the center of attention even if it is for just an annual 15 minutes of fame. Sometimes that's all you get. Oh, ya, and just to be clear, this predicting end of winter/beginning of spring thing...who's idea was that? Probably not the wily woodchuck, our little friend, the groundhog. 2/1/2018 1 Comment Suddenly Its FebruaryFebruary is here. Tata January. If you were going to start the New Year right, February is your 2nd chance. I kinda like February. Shortest month, it deserves some respect. Also in the northern hemisphere, it is the last full month of winter. (March's first three weeks are still winter, but trying I am to be positive). So here's to February. I am motivated to make the month of Ground Hogs, Valentines and Past Presidents a good one. If one plays their cards right, each day can be a sort of do-over in case one didn't get it right the first time. That's February. A time to follow through on the promises of a New Year that hasn't quite yet lost its innocence. Some interesting things about February Violets signify watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness. Give a violet to someone to let them know you’ll always be there for them. Violets signify watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness. Middle English feverer, from Old French feverier, based on Latin februarius, from februa, the name of a purification feast held in this month. The spelling change in the 15th century was due to association with the Latin word.
The word February comes from the Roman festival of purification called Februawhere people were ritually washed. There is a Roman god called Februus, but he is named after the festival, not the other way around. |
Rob McMurray,