1/2/2013 0 Comments Day TwoDay two of the new year. A test. I have this feeling already I am slipping. It doesn't take long. That is why it is important to practice "mindfulness". You know, "Keep you eyes on the prize." All that stuff that sounds trite or cliche, but has that underlying truth. You must stay aware. You have to make choices. You have to say no to those things that don't support you, that make you better, and move you close to your goal.
Yet I feel good about today. I did my Morning Pages (something I have practiced on and off for about two and half years from my Artist Way workshops). I cleaned out the pantry in my quest commitment to clean out and organize a drawer or cabinet a day. (Day four of that resolve). I helped a friend move an iron fence. I worked on the church newsletter like I do every Wednesday. And I went to dinner with a friend for a lovely visit. And now I am writing a blog, 2nd day in a row. Not really bad. Okay, there is still time to save the year. I have a list. I will actually pull it out and look at it. And begin again in the morning. As they say, every day is a new beginning and now is all we have anyway.
1/1/2013 1 Comment The "R's" of New Year'sResolutions. Restitutions. Revolutions. Restorations. Revelations. And on and on, the "R's" of the New Year's go. Resolutions. This year I am making resolutions. Not in the traditional sense, not in the "lose weight" or "quite smoking" sense anyway. This year I am simply going to resolve to live and follow my heart. My mind will be present to evaluate and guide me, but I am going to listen more intently to my heart because what my heart feels is the truest indicator of my heart's desire. Restitutions. Make it up to those people I may have slighted or let drift away or in some way harmed. If for some reason I cannot do it in person, perhaps they have moved away or passed away or unretrievably exited my life, I will set it right with God. Revolutions. In my life I am at the center of a revolution. There is a song that goes, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me." No one else can start the revolution toward peace than me. And that goes for each of us. Begins does begin inside ourselves. If we are not at peace with ourselves, how can the world be changed? Revolutions begin with a thought. I begin one today. Restorations. Restored to health. Restored to serenity. Restored to dreams and visions and love. I will seek to restore these things to my life and perhaps it will spread to others. Again, it all starts with me. Revelations. Another song I know goes "We can all know everything without ever knowing how. Its in every one of us, by and by." Amen. We do know the answers to our questions before we even ask them. We just need to be still and listen. Quiet. I plan to allow time to be quiet and listen for my the answers even if I think I already know. Rest. I will rest in the comfort of knowing everything is happening as it should...even when I don't agree with what seems to be happening in the world and around me. This is tough. To rest in the arms of God is not that easy. It involves trust and faith and all those good things we tend to forget will see us through. Even if crazy, insane times like these. Even now. Respect. I will respect you and trust you will respect me. Without mutual respect, the world will continue going mad. We have seen plenty of evidence of that. "Judge not lest ye be judged*." Truer words were never spoken. Aretha sang it best: "Respect yourself". So let 2013 be the year we find our way. The number 13 is lucky if you believe it so. I am choosing now to believe it is indeed a most fortunate time to be alive. *Matthew 7:1 |
Rob McMurray,