6/30/2020 2 Comments When Things Go KaphooeyI was merrily writing a very serious blog about how today is the last day of the first half of this very weird and chaotic year. I had rational rationalizations, insights and ways to cope. It was really outstanding. You would have benefitted so much by reading it. Sadly, or maybe not sadly at all, you were spared reading it when my computer decided to freeze up and then erase everything I had written. Kaphooey. (Not sure that is a word, but I'm too lazy right now to look it up right now). So that's just perfect for this, the last of June, the last of hurrah as it were, for the first half of a time of tribulation. It's been chaotic, challenging, scary, mystifying, demoralizing, inspiring, uplifting, insightful, discouraging....and so much more. In a nutshell, its been a time like no other, and one that shall be written about and studied for many, many years. I have to say I am more than weary of it all. Life in the time of COVID. Political upheaval. Paradigm shifts, some which I pray will take hold and last, and others that need to be abandoned. It's all just too much to bear sometimes. One thing I believe is in the power of mind. As Oprah once said, "You don't become what you want, you become what you believe." Matthew 29-31 say He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe.” Bruce Lee, the world renown martial artist, said, “As you think, so shall you become.” I'm sure I could find many more examples. But what I'm trying to say is, however, that as long as we let ourselves accept this particular "reality", we will never achieve the actual Reality. We weren't meant to live as we have, especially for the past six months. Fear, angst, anxiety...it is not our natural state. But how can we move past all that? Ain't easy. But it does begin with me. I know there is much work to be done. And I guess I need to start with me. Tomorrow is July First. It is the beginning of the last half of the year. A new fiscal year begins. July 1 is the 183rd day of 2020. 183 days remain until the end of the year. It is up to us how we are going to live those 183 days. I don't know about you, but I'm tired. It ain't easy being worried all the time. I for one am gonna pray, meditate, spiritual mind treat, set my intentions, and all the other stuff I can think of to find hope and optimism back into my life, our lives. One person can change the world. If it isn't me, then maybe its you. We've got work to do. Note: According to Webster's, kaphooey is a variation of phooey, an interjection. The definition of phooey—it is a word used to express repudiation or disgust That about says it.
Bridget Tucker
6/30/2020 03:10:19 pm
Amen to all you said, and Awoman too
Jeanne Shoulder
6/30/2020 03:42:54 pm
Wise words. I am hopeful. Introspection into what really matters. I believe we can become a better world We have to brlieve😊👍🏼🌼
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Rob McMurray,