If you are "on Facebook", you are aware that they have a feature called "On This Day" that every day shows you your posts on this day since you first joined Facebook. For me, that goes back to late 2008. I remember really doing something with Facebook when I was confined to bed after retinal detachment repair surgery in early 2009. I was hooked. Sometimes I wonder if that is a good thing, but most of the time I enjoy my Facebooking, and so that's that. Today as I read my post over the past nine years on March 8, its funny how random they seem. Here are some: March 8, 2016: Can't pull up the covers lest we disturb the cat. (There is a picture of me and my animals on the bed. My cat, Nina, is asleep. If we moved, she was gone.) 2015: You became friends on Facebook with 1 person. Janet C who went to the Queen's University in Belfast. (I like the idea of knowing someone who went to the Queen's U in Belfast!) 2015: Home again home again jiggeddy jig. What an odd night. (This was preceded by the following posts) --Two apparent ladies of the night just parked next to me and headed to the nearby hotel bar. Okay, maybe they're just gussied up for dancing. --There is a big white van cruising the hotel parking lot. On the side it says Jesus is coming soon. " To a hotel in Anaheim? --Who else (other than me) would be sitting in a hotel parking lot waiting on a Sunday night at 9pm? (I remember this night. I was picking up a lady at the Marriott who was coming from LAX. All this was going on while I was sitting in the parking lot). Still 2015 --Lovely afternoon with dear friends high above Riverside at Casa de Flanders. (I remember the visit, but the occasion for the visit, not so much) Still 2015 (I must have been very busy on FB that day! This is a cartoon from something called Bitstrips which I really like, but is not defunct. I miss it.) 2014 -- Looking through some old images from last year. I feel a photo safari coming on. (If you care to, you can look at my images here: http://www.qwerkirob.net/qwerkipix.html) Also 2014 -- So true I can't stop smirking. (Post a meme that read: "I would like to think I will die a heroic death, but its more likely I'll trip over my dog, and choke on a spoonful of frosting") Also 2014 -- (This post got a huge list of comments and suggestions with recommendations. I belief this one struck a responsive cord in many!) I'm very disappointed with my whites when I do laundry. I got some new t-shirts that are whiter than white. Now the old ones look dingy and grey. Bleach seems to yellow them. I am using All with Oxicleam currently, but worry about the environment. Perhaps peroxide and baking soda? Such monumental issues on a Saturday morning! (now afternoon). There were many more, but I'm gonna end with this one from 2015. These reminders are such a mixed blessing. 2015 - Nothing like Tater love.
1 Comment
Beth Miller
3/9/2017 08:02:03 am
Thinking of my demise, I will also most likely trip over Muffin or Stuffin on the stairs but be saved by the pile of dirty laundry thrown down earlier that morning after the hamper complained.....
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Rob McMurray,