6/10/2017 0 Comments But Is It Peeve-worthy?A while back I mused about writing blogs about pet-peeves. I would even think about whether a peeve that is a pet is more worthy than a feral peeve. Then I created a side page to do just that. And I apparently promptly forgot about it. Now there is a pet-peeve of mine: having good intentions that somehow get lost when doing other things. Hmmm.philippineslifestyle.com/blog/2014/12/15/opinion-pet-peeves-that-might-drive-you-up-the-wall-in-the-philippines/ So that said, I am now going address this burning issue. But is it peeve-worthy? Well, let's see. A peeve is something that irks or annoys. Hmmm. That list could be very long. Slow customers ahead of me in line at the grocery store. Clerks who are more interested in the bag-person's work schedule, break time and what time they go home. Yep. Waiting at a four-way stoplight when there is NO ONE coming from any of the other three directions. Okay. Those are all peeves. And, yes, they all irk and annoy. But I wouldn't elevate them to pet-peeve worthiness. At least I don't think so. Now let's think about this. What are peeves that I tend to pet to the point I break out in a rash? Politicians who forget who they work for. Leaves and pine-needles that refuse to be swept up on first rake. In fact, why don't they just go along with the winds that brought them down? Huh? That definitely is a big peeve, and I guess it could be a pet-peeve. Okay. Politicians, leaves and pine-needles. Yep, pet-peeve worthy. I have to stop here and think about why something irk or annoy and others don't. And then why those that do, do. Maybe making it a pet gives it too much importance. And of course, like any pet, you have to feed it, train it, groom it and take it out for walk everywhere. Those more attention you give something, the more importance it has in your life and controls you experience of life. If you're peeved, you're not pleasant. Okay, I think that's enough for now. But this might well be the first of an irregular series appearing here. Now and then. When I think about it. I hope inconsistency and capricious muses aren't on your list of peeves; and I especially hope the are not pets of yours. If you enjoyed the cartoon above, (if you didn't, well, another pet peeve of mine), check out the cartoonist, Dave Carpenter, at this site: http://www.hireanartist.net/style.asp?cartoonist=133
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Rob McMurray,